Wednesday | February 5 |  7-9:30pm

THE YOGA OF COUPLES: How couples can build, keep and renew love

Yoga means “union” and the highest form of yoga is marriage. ~Yogi Bhajan

This YOGA OF COUPLES WORKSHOP explores the key building blocks that can help you establish, support and heal long-term loving relationships using the elegant understanding and technology of Kundalini Yoga.

Open to couples & individuals

Cost: $35 advanced; $45 on day of (plus tax)

Teacher’s Bio:

GURUDEV SINGH KHALSA has been a student under the guidance of Yogi Bhajan since 1977 and lifelong practitioner of Kundalini Yoga. As a KRI Aquarian Level I & II Teacher Trainer he has led trainings in Universities, Yoga Centres and he has taught workshops related to yoga, meditation and yoga-based self-improvement in Canada, the US , Mexico and South America. His pragmatic approach to spiritual living in the modern world draws from the wisdom and techniques of the ancient yogis, his personal practice, and his lifelong passion for science and psychology.

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